Flat Leaf Parsley is My Friend

When my daughter was in pre-school, each spring they would plant parsley in a paper cup as a way to teach about seeds and spring and how a big plant can grow from a tiny seed. We watered and checked and watered again until we saw those little sprouts and did a happy dance of success.
That’s when something really cool happened. We repotted the seedlings and they grew up. And up. And out. And we had lots of parsley growing. Hardy and useful, I put their pot outside in the summer and back inside when it got cold and I have been able to throw fresh parsley into any dish I want at any time. I never have to worry about wilting because it goes from plant to pan in a matter of moments.
Parsley adds that fresh herbaceous flavor that peps up every thing from tomato sauce to grilled chicken to salad dressing. It grows and regrows with some water and sun. Now seeds are out in the supermarkets and drug stores. Give it a try and make friends with your parsley too.
Places to add parsley:
Chimichurri Sauce, with other fresh herbs oil and vinegar
Herb salad, spring greens taste especially fresh with herbs
Tomato sauce, just before serving
Mussels au Marinere, also just before serving for maximum fresh flavor