Citrus Sugar

I’m a big fan of simple ingredients and the lemon while one of the simplest of ingredients, yields one of the most complex and interesting flavors you can add to a dish. While the white pith, between the outer peel and the juicy center, isn’t my favorite to cook with, the exterior zest should not be missed when you are juicing citrus.
Some recipes only call for juice, so I zest the lemons first using my beloved Microplane and smash the zest around with granulated sugar (approx. a tablespoon per lemon) for lemon sugar that brings a hit of bright sweetness sprinkled on any baked good before it’s baked (think blueberry muffins!) Let the zest shavings dry out fully and this mixture can sit in your sealed plastic container for weeks.
Oranges? Tangerines? Limes? Yes, it works for all of them. So the next time you make fresh OJ or lemonade make a little time to zest and create a little flavor bomb for a future treat!